This dress is one of my favourite things I picked up from the Barney's CoOp in Chelsea!
Its 100% Silk and by a brand called Joie. Having a look at their website, most of their pieces appear to be good quality, sophisticated basics, and I think this dress is the hidden gem. I LOVE the soft ruffles and the fact that if you tie the neck up, its makes a bit more sweet and innocent. Grey, as always is my absolute number one love. Firstly, it suits ANYONE. Secondly, it goes with EVERYTHING. For a low-key NYE get together this evening, where I am a plus one, so I don't know anyone, I decided to keep it simple with the vintage red silk scarf tied around my wrist any my favourite new accessory, the Marc by Marc Jacobs Skull necklace from the store on Bleeker Street. There is something about the combination of grey and red that to me says "soft" and "sexy" at the same time. On a make-up note, I was very excited to try out the shiny new things I got at New York make-up wonderland, Sephora. However, I kept it very light, natural and fresh looking. Its summer, its casual, lets not scare off people I don't know with crazy dark eye make-up. Leave that for my Alexander Wang boots that are burning a whole in my closet they are so desperate for a night out.
And on that note, I wish you all a very happy new year!
I tend to make resolutions every Sunday night as I fall asleep. However, I feel as if the last year was one where I learnt a lot of lessons, but didn't really achieve much. So my plan for this year is to make every day count for something that I can be proud of. And if I write it up here, its more incentive for me to keep my word!
Lots of Love! xx
Looks nice ... it's begging for longer hair, though!